Half a tea glass of almond meets 45% of the daily magnesium need and 20% of the copper need. Almonds also help with weight loss.
It is very effective in lowering the cholesterol level in the blood. It reduces the risk of heart disease. It softens the breast. It is a cough suppressant.
It gives strength and energy to the body and removes body and mind fatigue. It is very beneficial for cardiovascular health. Lowers cholesterol, helps regulate heart rhythm
It has properties of strengthening the body. It helps to increase breast milk. It is very good for stomach ailments such as reflux and gastritis
It contains rich antioxidant vitamins, minerals, potassium and magnesium. It regulates your blood sugar, reduces your risk of heart disease, protects and nourishes the skin.
It is like a great worm, worm and parasite remedy. It destroys tapeworm worms and parasites. It lowers blood pressure. It balances and keeps blood sugar levels under control.
It increases body and mind power at a high rate. It softens the chest and relieves cough. It is effective in increasing sexual power. It strengthens bones and muscles. It is effective in stomach ailments.
It is at least as nutritious as fish in terms of omega-3s, has anti-stress properties, prevents blood clotting at an unhealthy rate, regulates blood circulation, disrupts blood clots, regulates liver functions.
It meets the need for vitamin E, It is very effective in the protection of blood circulation, It increases sexual power, protects the skin.
It is very effective against indigestion and constipation problems, it is effective against messenger pain, fever, skin diseases and anemia. It is among the beneficial foods against cancer.
It prevents many types of cancer, regulates digestion, reduces fever, protects eye health, and is good for sleep disorders.
It is good for itching due to psoriasis, increases resistance against allergies, and improves eye health,